Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Happy New...grumble grumble

The New Year presented much anticipation..
2012. A new year for new resolutions, promises, ideals etc etc. But in the end it becomes the same old same old it always is. Hoorah, we celebrate the 1st Jan like we're going to turn over a new chapter in life, the world is going to be different this year we tell ourselves. A few days later and we're commuting back into work, sat at our desks doing exactly what we were 2 weeks ago, eating salads for lunch (because we ate so much over Christmas)- which lasts all of 2 days. We detour towards the gym on the way home only to change our minds at the last minute and state "I'll start tomorrow" which roughly translates as "I'll make the resolution again in 2013". Vow to take ourselves off to bed at "a reasonable hour" due to being back at work, yet we still feel the need to be watching a re-run of 'Snog, Marry, Avoid' until 2am, having to get up a only a few hours later, tired, aggravated and cursing BBC3. Yes, Happy New Year.

OK, so maybe I'm being a little pessimistic, Christmas is the best time of the year for me after all, so the chances are I'm a little bitter at not STILL being in Christmas holiday mode. I do however feel 'new year resolutions' are a load of rubbish. If you're going to do something worthwhile, do it, don't wait until January. The new year does represent the chance to do differently however, so to those of you who do have realistic ambitions for 2012, good luck. 

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